Industry insights
30 posts
The electric vehicle revolution is triggering a repair revolution
Industry insights
Johan Vos, Fixico’s VP of Growth and Innovation, shares his expertise on the rising complexity that comes with the mass adoption of electric vehicles.
How digital ecosystems redefine car damage handling
Industry insights
Discover the benefits of digital ecosystems in car damage repair managment.
4 ways to better manage car damage repairs post-Covid-19
Industry insights
Read how digitalisation can improve your management of car damage repairs after Covid-19.
4 ways digital ecosystems enhance managers’ car damage repair handling
Industry insights
Discover how a digital ecosystem streamlines managers' workflows and optimises their car damage repair handling
How joining an ecosystem improves car damage repair efficiency
Industry insights
Discover how ecosystems can help reduce car damage repair costs and cycle times by simplifying damage intake, streamlining communication, optimising repair allocation and improving reporting.
How digital ecosystems improve data and reporting
Industry insights
Read how to benefit from digital ecosystems with centralised data collection, real-time overview, and automated reporting.
The rising complexity of car damage repair handling
Industry insights
Read more on how businesses can ensure that each damage is repaired adequately, safely, and under optimal conditions.
How digitally automated workflows improve car repair efficiency
Industry insights
Digitalisation is reshaping many aspects of businesses by optimising processes and streamlining workflows. We have compiled how digitalised car repair handling improves efficiency.
How digital and automated reporting benefits fleet- and claim managers
Industry insights
Read how automated reporting brings unique insight into the repair process and enables concise monitoring and controlling
How companies benefit by improving the car repair journey for their drivers
Industry insights
Read more about the benefits companies gain by improving the drivers' repair journey digitally
Everything fleet- and claim managers need to know about digital ecosystems
Industry insights
Learn more about emerging ecosystems, their benefits, and how they can help companies refine the service which they offer to their drivers.
The 5 most important needs of drivers when dealing with car damage
Industry insights
Gain insight into the 5 most essential needs that drivers have when dealing with car damage repairs, and learn how to accommodate them.
How digitalization can fuel driver satisfaction
Industry insights
Find out why there is a pressing need to digitalise the driver repair journey and how companies can benefit.
Why it's high time to improve the repair journey for your drivers
Industry insights
How digitalisation can help optimise the repair journey for drivers and increase your company’s operational efficiency.
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